Time is practically non-existent here. We often have to look at the phone just to remind ourselves what day of the week it is. One local person told us that there are two times in the day - daytime and nighttime. The only people that need to worry about time are those with clock-in clock-out jobs. He said that in America we have lots of watches and no time; in New Guinea they have no watches and lots of time.
Our second week of production was event-filled. There are so many things that we shot that I won’t be able to share for sake of time, but here are a few:
Street Preaching
We went along with Brad to a large, open square in town where he did some open air preaching. We estimated a crowd of around 1500 people that gathered to listen. It was quite a sight to behold!
Kids camp
There were about 300 kids that came from all over the Mt. Hagen area to the kids camp last weekend. One of the things that really struck me was how much time was devoted to memorization and study, and how little time was devoted to games and other activities. The kids never looked bored or disengaged. There were 52 professions of faith by the end of camp.
We spent some time walking through an area that was thick with vegetation and plenteous with creepy crawlies. Brad caught a blonde colored tarantella that we were able to get some nice close up shots of. A local told us that it was the first time that he had seen a spider that color in his entire life.
We took an hour drive from Mt. Hagen to a small village called Ruti. It was here that the tribe Brad works with, the Jikkas, was exiled by the government years ago. Many of the Jikkas are still living in Ruti, though many more now live in the tribe where Brad works. Ruti was a very remote place, in fact, it was the one of the last villages at the end of the main road. One of the most striking things about this trip was the discovery that this little village had a movie theater! There were no padded seats or popcorn stands; it was just one very long hut. At the front of the hut was a little stand where they set a small television screen. They charge an admission price and the villagers cram into this hut to watch a film. I was struck with that thought that while we are watching them on National Geographic, they are watching us! Film is such a powerful, universal tool!
Our second week of production was event-filled. There are so many things that we shot that I won’t be able to share for sake of time, but here are a few:
Street Preaching
We went along with Brad to a large, open square in town where he did some open air preaching. We estimated a crowd of around 1500 people that gathered to listen. It was quite a sight to behold!
Kids camp
There were about 300 kids that came from all over the Mt. Hagen area to the kids camp last weekend. One of the things that really struck me was how much time was devoted to memorization and study, and how little time was devoted to games and other activities. The kids never looked bored or disengaged. There were 52 professions of faith by the end of camp.
We spent some time walking through an area that was thick with vegetation and plenteous with creepy crawlies. Brad caught a blonde colored tarantella that we were able to get some nice close up shots of. A local told us that it was the first time that he had seen a spider that color in his entire life.
We took an hour drive from Mt. Hagen to a small village called Ruti. It was here that the tribe Brad works with, the Jikkas, was exiled by the government years ago. Many of the Jikkas are still living in Ruti, though many more now live in the tribe where Brad works. Ruti was a very remote place, in fact, it was the one of the last villages at the end of the main road. One of the most striking things about this trip was the discovery that this little village had a movie theater! There were no padded seats or popcorn stands; it was just one very long hut. At the front of the hut was a little stand where they set a small television screen. They charge an admission price and the villagers cram into this hut to watch a film. I was struck with that thought that while we are watching them on National Geographic, they are watching us! Film is such a powerful, universal tool!